
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thriftin' Tuesday: ECO Friendly Hair Scrunchi Holder

Recently my husband and I watched "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold," which is a documentary about how we are ruthlessly advertised to just about everywhere. In this particular film, there was a company who was one of the sponsors that sells Pomegranate juice, that is 100% juice. After seeing this film, we decided to pick it up at the store today to try it out. After hubby went to work I found his empty POM bottle next to the computer. As I looked at the structure and design of the packaging, I was hit with a thought...this would make a good scrunchi holder...if I fill it with the small stones from my last project, it would be heavy enough to where it won't knock over so easily when i grab a scrunchi in a hurry...

So, I took his empty bottle, rinsed it out and then using a folded peice of paper as a funnel I dropped my stones from walmart's decor department, into the bottle. I must say this really made it quite heavy.
Not only does this hold my hair ties well but my sport stretch headbands too!!

A set of these would even make interesting bookends for a small collection of books...prehaps even in the kitchen for cookbooks(!).  I believe it will work quite nicely. What is so great about this is using what I have to make something I can keep using over and over. It is unique, cute, and FUNCTIONAL. I LOVE IT!!!This project took me less than ten minutes to throw together! Hardly any cleanup!!!


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