
Friday, November 23, 2012

What's Been Up With Me...

      Shortly after our move this past summer, our laptop was stolen from our car in the new neighborhood. I cannot convey how devastating it has been not being able to stay connected as I once was on youtube and on my blog.  At the moment, I am using my younger brother's laptop to write a little today.
Due May 17th, 2013!
       A couple months after losing our laptop, I soon found myself pregnant with our second child.   While we are excited for the new life growing inside me, we look to the future with a little apprehension about the state of our finances; as I am sure most people in this economy today are also still overwhelmed.  However, looking ahead, I feel unusually calm. God has always provided for us somehow, and has always been faithful.
    Just this past week, I finally had a pick-line removed from my arm.  The pregnancy has been very hard on my body. After about three months of not being able to keep even my own saliva down and rapidly loosing weight, the obgyn ordered a device to be put in my arm (wires-tubing that went up my arm and into my heart) so that I would be able to give myself fluid at home using a small pump.  Before, I would show up to the hospital every few days to get an iv for fluid and antibiotics.  Learning how to do this at home was quite an endeavor to say the least.  It was traumatic going to surgery by myself.  I was scared, and the process was very painful. Hubby had to work that day, and I wanted him desperately.  Giving myself fluids for the next three weeks also was frightening; as I was warned more than once that if not careful about pumping in too many air bubbles, I could die.
   But thank goodness, I managed it. Now I am able to keep everything down now as I start my second trimester.  Milk and eggs or even the thought of it make me sick, but nonetheless, I am doing very well.  I still have yet to find out what the baby is.  I feel that it may be a boy, however I could be wrong.  Whatever the gender, I know I will love this sweet babe as much as my little Tori, who is now two.  She is so darling.
     I have yet to figure out how to prepare her for the arrival of her younger sibling to be. The best I could do was hold her wee hand on my belly and tell her that "mommy's baby is in there."  Now when asked, "where's baby at?" she will bounce up to me and softly pat my stomach and say, "baaaybee!"
     The "terrible two's" have come a lot sooner than I would have wished.  Rather than playing with her toys now she just dumps everything on the floor. I told hubby that she reminded me of Taz who left chaos behind him.  She has become so ornery at home, but  then acts like an innocent princess while we are out. So many have said, "She is so quiet! Is she always this good?"  Little showoff! But she is our doll, and like most tots she is testing the limits. That's how they learn.
    It is time I signed off for today.  I do not know when I will have the chance to blog again, but hope to do so soon.  But for now, Happy Holidays Everyone!!

<3 Beth.

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